Deleting employees or setting them as ‘inactive’:
To keep the employee pool up to date, efficient planning is necessary.
Thus, one or more employees can be set to ‘inactive’ in Staffcloud:
- This means that the staff member is not deleted.
- Inactive employees can be ‘reactivated’ at any time.
- Inactive employees are no longer shown in the invitation list (filter is set to active employees)
- Inactive employees are no longer shown in data management (filter is set to active employees)
You can also delete one or more employees:
- In this case, the employee data is completely erased.
- The deletion process cannot be reversed.
Sending employees new login data
An employee cannot log in. This may be due to the following scenarios:
- Login data was forgotten by the employee or the planner.
Staffcloud offers several options to receive new login data:
In the planner view, go to the ‘Employees’ tab to send new login data.
The respective staff members are selected, and a row appears at the bottom of the page.
Here, you can see any options which might be applied to several employees such as ‘Send message’, ‘Set to inactive’ (if you searched for inactive employees, you can set them to active here).
By clicking the button ‘Send Login Data’, you send an email with a link to the instance. This email contains the username (the employee’s email address) and an auto-generated password.
- Requesting a password via the login page

The Staffcloud login page displays a ‘Forgot your password?’ button.
When clicking on this as a planner, you will be asked your username and email address. If an employee uses the button, only the email address is required as this acts as their username.
Once the necessary data has been filled in, an email is sent to the email address given. This email contains a link which allows employees or planners to set their own password.